Biographical Sketch of Dr. Walter J. Cale Sr.
October 2, 1891 – January 1, 1962
Walter J. Cale was born October 2, 1891 in Chickalah, Yell County, Arkansas to the farming family of Dorsey Calvin and Mary Cole Cale. After graduating in 1909 from the Magazine Academy at Magazine Arkansas, he taught school for a time before entering the University of Tennessee College of Medicine. He was granted his Doctor of Medicine Degree in 1921 and began his career as a general practitioner in Chickalah the same year, remaining there for ten years. “He moved to Atkins in 1931. He established his office and continued to practice as a family doctor of the “Old School” for three decades, frequently accepting farm produce in lieu of cash as his fee. His large practice was made up of devoted patients, and he earned the esteem of all with whom he came in contact. Many times when the roads were impassable, he rode horseback to visit his patients and often drove up to 30 miles on unimproved roads to care for his patients that he knew would never be able to pay him.” 1
On September 22, 1913 Dr. Cale and Hazel Carter were wed in Chickalah. Together they raised a family of one daughter and two sons, the youngest son, Walter Jr., became a physician and surgeon, settling in Sapulpa, Oklahoma. In addition to maintaining his medical practice, Dr. Cale served as Mayor of Atkins. He was a member of the Pope-Yell County Medical Society and the First Baptist Church where he taught Sunday School for many years.
“Dr. Walter Cale, Sr. died at Atkins, Arkansas, January 1, 1962. Beloved
by all who knew him, he will be missed throughout the area in which he served so well. Atkins has lost the last of its Country Doctors.” 2
1A Heart Within A Valley, A History of the Atkins Area by John C. Stroud
Pages 153-154
2 History of Pope County, Arkansas by the Pope County Historical
Association, First Edition, Pages 184-185
John T. Mitchell, BBA
June 15, 2019