Biographical Sketch of Dr. Charles Nicklin Martin

February 27, 1854 – September 7, 1944

Charles Nicklin Martin born February 27, 1854, the second son of Dr. and Mrs. John Wilson Martin in Bradley County, Arkansas. He was the fourth child in a family of twelve children.

“Young Charles, following in his father’s footsteps, decided to be a doctor and enrolled in the medical department of the Tulane University of Louisiana, graduating in 1878. Following his graduation, he came back to Bradley County and gradually took over his father’s practice, which was still widely scattered.  He went on horseback for the roads had been little improved from the days his father began to ride them.  As a promising young doctor, he had several offers from older and well established doctors in Little Rock to enter their offices, against his father’s advice, he refused saying his main reason for deciding to be a doctor was to carry on his father’s practice and give his father an opportunity to follow a less strenuous life sooner than perhaps he would otherwise.”1

In 1889 Dr. Martin married Miss Eunice Bradley, granddaughter of Captain Hugh Bradley for whom the county was named. There were five children in the family, three boys and two girls.

Dr. Charlie, as he was called to distinguish him from his father and later from affection, joined the Presbyterian Church in his early manhood, later was elected a deacon, in which capacity he served until his death.

“For fifty-six years Dr. Charlie did active practice, at first a hard riding day and night practice—with little remuneration. In his later years after there was some road improvement he used a horse and buggy. Later when the automobile came he tried that too but not for long. He went back to his trusty horse, saying the habit of thinking and dozing as he rode along was too strong for him and that did not go with automobiles. When he had a long or night call his daughter drove him.”2

Dr. Charlie retired in 1935 at the age of 81. His old patients continued to come to him for medicine and advice for most of the nine years he lived after his retirement. A visit to his garden in the early spring would find him growing the finest of vegetables, which he delighted to share with his neighbors and friends.

On February 27, 1944, he celebrated his 90th birthday.  He died seven months later, September 7, 1944. His remains are buried in Oakland Cemetery, Warren, Bradley County, Arkansas.

1      The Arkansas Historical Quarterly, Volume V 1946, pp 118-122

 2     Ibid                          

John T. Mitchell, BBA

June 18, 2022